Keyhole entrance to silver mine ruins, Guanajuato, Mexico, 2024.
Enchanted Garden Productions
Felicia Fredd, owner, is a design & management consultant with over 30 years of experience helping clients create gardens in the semi-arid region of Santa Fe, New Mexico.
The primary goal of Enchanted Garden Productions is to help clients develop engaging, imaginative, and lived-in outdoor spaces that respect regional ecology. There are numerous challenges to garden development in the desert Southwest, most of which are best addressed by careful spatial planning informed by client and site characteristics; others as ongoing adjustments to unfolding and sometimes unpredictable growth and change.
Enchanted Gardens Productions is pleased to offer both garden design and management consulting services, at all scales, to support client vision and practical planning needs.
Design planning for all stages of garden & landscape development
On-Site plant & hardscape consultation
Garden maintenance & rehabilitation plans
Site analysis and wildland interface plans